Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Small Rant

Generally, I hate family. I have spent my adult life moving away from the toxic family situations time and time again, but somehow they keep seeping back into my life. I guess I let them, optimistically thinking, "It will be different this time!"
But alas, it never is.

Friday, July 27, 2007


I am Super GeMINI and I know it, so I can't help but feel these results are a little rigged....
How do you stack up?

You are 87% Gemini

Friday, July 20, 2007

A strange twist of fate

Last night I was on one of my frequent pilgrimages to the PetSmart right by my house for crickets, and as usual I requested we stop by the kitty adoption section so I could feast my eyes on the wares. Andrew obliged, as always, and as soon as we walked over my eyes locked on this beauty:

Do you know what her name was? Do ya? You will never ever ever ever ever ever ever guess in a million bajillion years


ANNA BANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe it? I sure couldn't. I don't believe in God, but I don't believe this was a coincidence either. That little girl found her way to PetSmart so that Janna Banana could adopt her! But alas, The Man wouldn't indulge me :-( So now I am one sad potential kitty mommy....

Please protest on my behalf!


The next part of the speeding ticket saga is a rather positive one, I must report. I am now a reformed speeder. Ever since my brush with the law, I have been extra vigilant about my speed and have used my cruise control to its full potential. I have not gone more than 5-7 miles over the speed limit at any given time. I have seen at least 20 cops in this time, and have thus averted several more tickets I believe. My Bambi McBimbo, being a fiery hot chili red Mini Cooper, is highly discriminated against when it comes to speeding tickets. You see, Andrew was driving her when he received his, and I was driving her when I received mine. Another time, when we were on the way back from Todd and Carol's cabin in Payson, we were stopped by a cop for doing 56 in a 45. He told us to slow down and let us go on our way. Back in November '06, we were speeding to get the F out of Texas as quickly as possible, when we were stopped by a lady cop. She let us go with a written warning. I wonder what set those times apart? Well, funny you should mention that, Janna....I do believe the key factor intertwining those two experiences was the fact that we were in Andrew's Mini, which is a more 'mature' looking space blue, I guess. Faaaaaascinating.....

Anyhoo, besides the avoidance of speeding tickets during my renaissance period of newfound speed limit abidance, I have noted a couple other important observations:
First, I have not arrived at any of my desired destinations any later than during my days as a speeder;
Next, I enjoy a better all-around motoring experience as I no longer constantly worry or have to check my mirrors for cops waiting to pounce.

At first, it was very difficult reigning in the lead foot (which is where the cruise control comes in), but now that I see that the positives of not speeding actually outweigh those of speeding, I am fully reformed and looking forward to a life sans moving violations :-)

Alas, we meet again

So, it's been a month (as it often is between posts), and much has transpired. First of all, Andrew and I have been privy to not 1, not 2, but 3 speeding tickets. We each have been pulled over, and I also was personally served with a photoradar ticket from the 101 in APRIL! That should just be illegal. But nonetheless, that brings our grand total to nearly $650! Andrew failed to pay his on time, which tacked on an extra 90 bucks. I am still working out how we are going to pay for all this, because we have the MITM trip to Colorado in a couple weeks, and all of our extra money was to be devoted to that. It seems like every time we wanna go do some big Mini event, some financial catastrophe unfolds. It happened back in March with Vegas (Helloooooo $1,200 in taxes due!), causing us to cancel. And now, this. But it is too late to cancel the MITM trip, we probably couldn't get a refund, plus we really really really want to go. So somehow, we are going to make it work out. At least that's the plan....
Which brings me to the next chapter......