Monday, June 4, 2007

why, hellooooooooooooo there

Today I'm thinking about opportunities. I hate my job, ergo my life. No, I don't consider my job my life, HOWEVER, the job is what funds the life, so you see, they are intricately related. I have been applying for lots of other jobs, but nothing has really struck my fancy yet. I guess I don't really know what I want to do with myself, and until I figure that out, I might as well be making as much as possible wherever I can, since I won't be enjoying it anyway. Small condolences, eh?

My Aunt works for Farmer's Insurance, and she has given them my resume and says I will be getting a call in a couple weeks when they start interviewing. I don't know if I would love that job, but there are a number of benefits to me working there. First of all, it is closer to home than my current employer. Also, I would probably get a company car. And while it will in no way compare to the motoring experience I enjoy with the Mini (love you Bambi McBimbo!), this will save miles on her (and if they paid for gas that would be even better!). Finally, there is a mixed bag of good benefits, such as the usual health insurance stuff, plus an actual pension plan that allows employees to retire in 15 years if they wish, and my Aunt gets to work at home sometimes if she wants to.

Anyhoo, that is all for now. Rot in the clink, Paris Skanton :-D

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