Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Good Ol' Funcie!

sooooooooooo...i was a bit surprised, albeit disturbed, to find mention of this show floating around the net. I spent 4 fun years in Muncie whilst attending Ball State. Muncie is great, but why in god's name would anyone give a shit about how the police department operates? what thought process led to some producer saying "By jove, I've got it! Let's put a bunch of lame-o 'celebrities' in Muncie Indiana to tag along with the police on the many meth busts! Smashing!!"
If they had really been thinking, they could have focused on the campus police giving hundreds of parking tickets, busting frat parties...maybe even another cold blooded murder of a drunken college student on his way home from the village. Now that would have generated some ratings!

Well, it's already gotten the axe after a whopping 4 episodes. That's some great TV I'm sure, although I've not had the excrutiating pleasure of watching it.

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