Monday, October 22, 2007

Crappy Movie

I saw "30 Days of Night" last night, and it bigtime sucked. It had a FEW "boo!" scary moments, but beyond that it wasn't that great as far as horror movies go. I wasn't scared leaving the theatre or walking into my dark house afterwards. The vampires were gross but kinda cheesy, and they kept alluding to their past, etc., but the movie never explained anything about where they came from, why they targeted this particular town, why they waited so long to do it, etc. The acting was ok for the most part, but the plot was sorely lacking, as was the writing. Definitely not worth the $9.50 movie ticket, and maybe not even the $4.99 rental fee at Blockbuster. We need more truly scary movies like The Exorcist, or 28 Days Later and its sequel, or just a good, really terrifying ghost movie. I am a horror junkie, but I've been less than impresed with the recent horror offerings, other than 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later. Anybody else see it? (hope you too didn't waste your money :-D )

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